
Thursday, June 18, 2009

60x60 Dance @ the Winter Garden, NYC (11/14/08) [Claman/Velazquez]

Philosophers Some Time Went Upon These Hills
Music: David Claman
Dance: Carlos Cruz Velazquez

The text comes from "Mandeville's Travels". The unknown author, writing in French around 1350, claimed to be a British knight who had traveled to the Holy Land as a pilgrim and then gone east to India and China. David Claman teaches at Lehman College-CUNY. He is co-director of the Extensible Toy Piano Project. Carlos A. Cruz Velazquez is a choreographer/dancer and founder of
Colectivo 2Z, a collaborative project that started in Mexico. Carlos is a Fulbright grantee recently graduated from NYU Tisch School of the Arts. Dancers: Carlos A. Cruz Velazquez and Yin Yue.

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